This is it! After many months of effort from the Remote Exploit Dev team, BackTrack 4 Beta is ready and available at our Shmoo booth. I thought I’d post up some “getting started” notes, to help people out with the first surge of questions.
- Default password to BackTrack 4 hasn’t changed, still root / toor.
- KDE 3 is being used in BT4. We tried KDE 4, really, we did. It sucked. Maybe 4.2 in BT4 final.
- Most of the KDE “apt gettable” packages have “kde3” appended to their names. So “apt-get install kate-kde3” is good, “apt-get install kate” is bad. Use “apt-cache search ” to search for packages to install.
- Kernel sources included in /usr/src/linux.
- DHCP disabled by default on boot, you need to /etc/init.d/networking start
- If you do an HD install and want to restore networking (DHCP) to be enabled at boot, type “update-rc.d networking defaults“.
- VMware users – to fix the KDE resolution, type “fixvmware” before starting X.
- Vmware tools and kernel modules compile perfectly on VMWare 6.5.1
- If you can’t get X to work, first try to autogenerate an xorg.conf by typing “Xorg -configure” and try using the generated conf file. If that bums out, you can revert to VESA by typing “fixvesa“.
- Wireless networking in KDE can be started with KnetworkManager (/etc/init.d/NetworkManager)
- Various drivers can be found in /opt/drivers (various madwifi branches, video drivers for Nvidia and HP 2133’s).
- Installation of BT4 to HD is similar to BT3. (tip – dont forget to modify /etc/fstab after the install. Change the first line from aufs / aufs …. to the corresponding device and filesystem. For example, on my box it’s /dev/sda3 / reiserfs defaults 0 0, as my root partition is on sda3 and i used the resiserfs filesystem).
- The warning message “W: GPG error: intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CB2F6C86F77B1CA9” when “apt-get update” occurs as the Intrepid KDE 3 repos do not use a GPG key. We will eventually host these package in our own repo.
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link please………
lappy kesayangang :))
tu diatas link na cha :-p
tukeran link yuuuk
I am very new to back track 4 and trying to set up the internet.
I am using a laptop, yet i can’t get it to detect the router, can someone help me connect to the internet.
Also is there a website that i can use to help me with commands and what i can do with this amazing piece of software.
satu2nya kekurangan dr backtrack yg aq gak suka adl sulitnya pas proses instalasi, bikin bingung
@fultsu : make sure you have installed driver properly. then tey to connect the network
@pakdejack : masa sih ? ada manual installasi nya kok salah satunya di sini :