As an exploit framework, metasploit have many modules. Sometimes the module couldn’t be loaded after we update the metasploit via msfupdate command . One of the module that usually couldn’t be loaded is like below :
[-] WARNING! The following modules could not be loaded!
[-] /opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/post/windows/gather/credentials/outlook.rb: SyntaxError /opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/post/windows/gather/credentials/outlook.rb:35: syntax error, unexpected tLSHFT, expecting ‘)’
This issue was occurred in the BackTrack 5 R 3 after update the metasploit. If you’re having this issue, you’re able to solve this issue by deleting the outlook.rb file in the file systems . The small steps for deleting the file are :
- From the GNOME Menu, please Go to Places –> Search for files. In the name contains field, input this : outlook.rb , then choose the “file system” in the look in folder field
- Delete all outlook.rb files found.
- Update the metasploit via msfupdate command
- Re run the metasploit via msfconsole command
I had the exact same error message, this solved my issue 100%.
It actually took a few moments for the search results of outlook.rb to pop up. There where 5 files so i deleted them all as instructed, ran msfupdate, and BAM~! Good as new’ Thank you very much!
Because this blog has been so very helpful, i intend on bookmarking this page and checking back @ regular intervals to see all the wonderful content you’ve added & likely will be reviewing previous posts as well.
Glad to know. Thanks for visiting. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment on this blog. Thank you 🙂
Good work guy. Solved my problem =]
Most Welcome . Glad to know if this is helpful for you 😉
I have more problems with modules on Armitage.
Simple open msf console and shoot reload_all.
Solve much problems.
jadi pengen lagi pake bt
I have used to command # locate outlook.rb
for search:) Good luck everyone.