Select Page

Attention this is just for newbie…
if you don’t need this information, plese close the window!! 🙂
Ok lets start,
Before you order the domain [dot]id , so first you have to read this
instruction 🙂 :
1. Read carefully the procedure, click here
2.if you had the main set of the procedure, then you can start order the
new domain, by click here
Cek the domain, if that domain is available, then you can order that domain.
Fill the form with your data, include the KTP or other document.
3.Follow the next instruction, until you finish it.
4. Cek the verification via your email
5. if your domain order have been approved, so you have to transfer some
money to “rekening rekening Bank Central Asia KCU Sudirman No Rek 0353095665 a.n. Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia (PANDI).”
Check the fee for domain in here
6. Then you have to send email verification to, and attach the document payment (scan it), and
attach the invoice (you can get it from here)
7.If you have got the email verification that your payment have been approved, so you have finished.
Then the domain own by you ;-P.

That is very simple 🙂