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Thanks for my brother

I would like to say thanks for my brother who always give me a spirit and he always motivate me to do my FInal Task.So he made an article about my FInal task. You can check it at Start now i try to do more seriously about my Final...

Penting panggil Sayang ?

Salam lama nih ga posting lagi karena emang lagi sibuk di dunia nyata ;p. Kali ini fl3xu5 ingin posting yang berbau tentang kehidupan biar ga monoton dengan komputer ataupun hal hal jorok(komputer, techno,mobile communication, IT dsb) yang bikin pusing heheeh 🙂...

AuraCMS 1.62 Multiple Remote SQL Injection Exploit

#!/usr/bin/perl # # Indonesian Newhack Security Advisory # ———————————— # AuraCMS 1.62   Multiple Remote SQL Injection Exploit # Waktu        :  Feb 15 2008 01:00PM # Software        :  AuraCMS #...

Invisible YM

Sedikit tips buat check YM status seseorang yang akan kita check.apakah dia online ? offline? atau bahkan invisible 😀 Silahkan di coba di Mohon digunakan seperlu nya 🙂 semoga bermanfaat…