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Finally, I do a Clean Install of iOS 9

As many folks know that it’s better to do clean install of iOS if there is a new release version such as recently iOS 9 released. Because I’m too busy with some works at office and studying some course materials, I just click install the software update...

My iPhone 5s Gold with iOS 8

Alhamdulillah , setelah berhasil terjual iPhone 5 white saya beberapa bulan yang lalu akhirnya kebeli juga iPhone 5s . Pertimbangan saya menjual iPhone 5 adalah uangnya dipakai untuk modal bisnis jual beli produk Apple juga ( Maklum butuh modal hehe ).  Setelah rejeki...

iMessage waiting for activation

iMessage is one of my favorite application in iOS. It’s an exclusive one just because you’re able to use iMessage if you’re using an iOS device 🙂 . iMessage is a fast messaging application. If you’d like to use iMessage , you need to activate...

Install iOS 7.0.2 on iPad 3 Wifi+GSM

I just install the iOS 7.0.2 on my iPad 3 Wifi GSM. Previously my ipad has been installed the iOS 6.1.2 jailbroken. Because till today there is no jailbreak untethered for iOS 7 released, so i decide to install the latest version of iOS right now ( iOS 7.0.2 ). Below...

Fresh Install iOS 7 & Aktifasi iMessage

iOS 7 telah dirilis oleh Apple beberapa hari lalu 18 September 2013. Dan tampaknya banyak pengguna device apple yang antusias menunggu release ini ( termasuk saya 🙂 ).  Esok harinya saya melakukan installasi iOS 7 di iPhone saya menggunakan ipsw file secara Fresh...