by fl3xu5 | Oct 16, 2012 | iOS, iPad, OS X
As an iPad user, I usually take files from My MacBook to My iPad using iTunes with sync process. And It needs a lot of time especially when the file size is big ( 5 GB ) . Then I just curious how to transfer easily and instantly the files like transferring files from...
by fl3xu5 | Oct 11, 2012 | OS X
I just need to make a small note about how to open library folder in Mac OS X Mountain Lion . It’s because I often forget if I’d like to open library folder. Hopefully this small note is useful for you 😉 . OK let’s go .. I usually open the library...
by fl3xu5 | Aug 5, 2012 | MacBook Pro, OS X
Pengguna OS X mendapat kabar kembira dengan adanya release terbaru Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion . Seperti yang sudah pernah saya tulis mengenai OS X mountain disini, sangat banyak fitur tambahan didalamnya. Silahkan baca disini dan disini Untuk melakukan upgrade ke OS...
by fl3xu5 | Feb 19, 2012 | OS X
This article was taken from office for mac , describes how to completely removeMicrosoft Office for Mac 2011 from your computer. The following requirements must be met before you follow any of the steps in this article. You must quit all applications. You must be...
by fl3xu5 | Feb 17, 2012 | MacBook Pro, OS X
Last night, i got information about OS X Mountain Lion from my friend. Then in this morning, I’d like to share to you the small articles about OS X Mountain Lion . Based on information in the apple’s website , the OS X Mountain Lion arrives this summer...
by fl3xu5 | Jan 18, 2012 | MacBook Pro, OS X
Alhamdulillah akhirnya selesai juga upgrade memory MacBook saya menjadi 8GB ( PC 8500 1066 MHz ) dengan masing – masing slot berisi 4 GB . Awalnya sempet ragu karena berdasarkan informasi pada situs Apple dinyatakan bahwa MacBook saya hanya bisa diupgrade...