by fl3xu5 | Jan 12, 2013 | BackTrack Linux
In the wireless penetration tester, ALFA AWUS036H is one of my favorite devices. It’s because the device support packet injection. Beside that, the device has an amazing Tx-Power 30 dBm = 1000mW = 1 W. For better performance during the penetration testing, I...
by fl3xu5 | Jan 11, 2013 | BackTrack Linux, Penetration Testing
After I update My BackTrack 5 R3 using apt-get update and apt-get upgrade , there is an issue with Metasploit ( msfconsole and msfupdate can’t run via console / Just blinking cursor ) . First I just curious in the msf3 directory and I found the msf3 directory in...
by fl3xu5 | Dec 4, 2012 | BackTrack Linux, Penetration Testing
As an exploit framework, metasploit have many modules. Sometimes the module couldn’t be loaded after we update the metasploit via msfupdate command . One of the module that usually couldn’t be loaded is like below : [-] WARNING! The following modules...
by fl3xu5 | Jun 3, 2012 | BackTrack Linux
For a linux user , i suggest you to know about “chmod” command deeply. It’s because “chmod” command is always used when you’re going to change access file permission. For example after you upgrade to the recent version of your...
by fl3xu5 | May 1, 2012 | BackTrack Linux, Penetration Testing
Sekedar ingin share sedikit dokumentasi materi Seminar IT Security “Safe the System” STMIK Sumedang , semoga bisa bermanfaat 🙂 bagi yang sudah familiar / expert di bidang pentest / metasploit ga usah baca ya karena ini masih basic 🙂 . Syukur bisa sharing bersama...